Thursday, March 31, 2011

"Sangdoongee" ("TWINS" in Korean)

twins @ 8 weeks

Michael, Shorah (our kat) and I are so excited to share with you about our... not one, but two new additions to the family!!! We haven't told anyone until now, as you can understand the delicate situation; but we are now in our 9th week and are SO ready to share with everyone our news!!! :)

We do not know yet if we'll be having boys or girls...or both; but we CANNOT wait to find out! Yay!

Hope everyone has a wonderful and happy day today, as we sure will. :)


- yj

P.S.   Happy April Fool's Day  (ha.ha.ha.....i guess we'll still be sleeping in past noon a wee bit longer....) 

Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Friendly Letter to Mr. Jung Il Kim from a South Korean boy age 10-ish

I am an English Language Teacher in Gumi, South Korea. I work in an after-school English Academy. Today in one of my classes, I taught how to write a Friendly Letter. A Friendly Letter is a letter written to someone you know about what you are doing, how they are doing, etc. Thus, my students wrote friendly letters to one of their family members or friends. They did a decent job..... But of course they think that's boring and who, (especially in their generation), writes letters in this day and age of texting and webcams. So, their next exercise was to write a letter to a famous person. Yes, the famous people in their letters were not 'someone they knew'....but when you're an English Language teacher at an after-school academy, you have to use all your creative ammo to get these tired, whiny, and disinterested students to WANT to learn English. It was a success. And I had to save one of their letters because it was so pure and honest. can't say it was Friendly though :)  I'll share it with you,... yes you Mr. J.I. Kim.

i'd say he did an awesome job in regards to grammar & letter format... considering korean letter formats are different from English.....anyway, like my pink ink?

- yj